I found some interesting images from my psychology book back when I took the course in high school.
The greater amount of tissue in the somatosensory area of the brain that is related to a specifc body part, the more sensitive is that body part. If the size of our body parts reflected the corresponding amount of brain tissue, we would lok like this strange creature.
The graph below shows the skin sensitivity in various areas of the body. The shorter a line, the more sensitive a body part is. The finger and thumbs, lips, nose, cheeks, and big toe are the most sensitive.

Very cool use of water, it's called "Glass Sea."
"Years of exposure to the elements had taken their toll on Brunel's ss Great Britain--the world's first iron hulled passenger line." So the ss Great Britain Trust called on Arup and Alec French Architects to help repair and preserve the 'wrought iron fabric of the historic vessel.' Lok at the image below, they appeared to have done a splendid job."