Saturday, September 27, 2008

Site Analysis

Thesis Abstract

Architecture and the Senses
An Aquatic & Fitness Center in Downtown Silver Spring, MD

Architecture naturally incorporates conditions and effects where senses cross, blur, switch, and merge. This thesis explores how architectural design addresses our senses to enhance our bodily dialogue with space, and supports a healthier body and mind through the phenomenon of water and air.

The proposed project is an aquatic recreation and fitness center located in the heart of Downtown Silver Spring, Maryland. It will be situated northeast of the Silver Spring “green,” an underutilized outdoor space with sporadic social activity. The placement of the aquatic center will enclose this outdoor area and will bring more energy and activity to the urban space.
The building will also include a nutrition and education center which breaks away from conventional aquatic centers that simply include just aquatics and fitness. A unique program will be produced that seamlessly integrates these areas together and serves the needs of the mind and body simultaneously.

Inspired by rituals experienced in Roman baths and hot springs, the complex provides a journey of spaces that guides visitors through a variety of temperatures and smells. These spaces intend to evoke the sensual possibilities of water, color, light, and materials on the site. The goal is to stimulate a variety of sensory responses in the visitors.